My name is Aristide Renault and I'm an illustrator, designer, and comic book artist from France. I'm currently working freelance for companies and publishing houses, but also as a full author. My work aims to build worlds and create strong stories through the use of image as a medium of expression.
Here are some highlights of my experience :
2022-[ ] : Publication of comic strips in monthly Magazine "Fluide Glacial".
2023 : Winner of the Press drawing trophy : "Presse Citron {BNF" - category Charlie Prize.
2023 : Assistant art director at french design studio "Golgotha".

2023 : Freelance pre-production artist for french studio "ImagineNation".
2022 : 3rd prize of the illustration contest "Carte blanche à l'évasion".
2022 : Winner of the comic-strip contest of Antony festival "Des bulles dans la ville".
2022 : Member of the young talents selection at Angoulême's comic-book festival.
2020 : Assistant art directr at french design studio "Soixanteseize".
2020 : 3rd prize of french brand:Lustucru's poster contest.

And some articles and publications featuring my work :
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